The service of our company’s antenna coil team is so professional and attentive that it made Customer place an order without any hesitation.

The function of a transmitting antenna is to radiate the energy transmitted by the feeder into the surrounding space, and this radiation has different directionality depending on the type of antenna. A vertically placed half-wave dipole antenna, for example, has a distinct radiation pattern. It was our specialized and considerate service that made Mr. Wang choose us without any hesitation.

The basic principle of a transmitting antenna is that electricity travels at near the speed of light through a conductor and when it encounters a discontinuity in the conductor, it gets reflected back to the source. If the current is alternating and the reflected current returns to the starting point or the feed point at the correct moment, then the current will be reinforced in the subsequent cycles, thus requiring very little energy to maintain the standing wave within the antenna. That is, the presence of the standing wave puts the antenna in a resonant state. Consequently, it emits electromagnetic waves into space. In the resonant state, the voltage is very low at the midpoint where the current is at its maximum, but very high at the ends. Ohm’s Law applies to antennas, and at the midpoint, due to the high current and low voltage, the resistance is relatively small, whereas at the ends, the situation is reversed, resulting in higher impedance.

Mr. Wang found us through a Chinese supplier website and inquired whether we could produce transmitting antenna coils. During our communication with Mr. Wang, it became apparent that this was their first time producing this type of transmitting antenna, and they had previously contacted many suppliers who had not met their requirements, all of whom had weak signal transmission during the debugging process.

Mr. Wang did not have the relevant drawings and could only send samples for us to study. Upon receiving the transmitting antenna, we gathered our company’s research and development team to study the coil, and finally produced the same product, sharing the good news with Mr. Wang. Mr. Wang requested that we send 5 samples for their experimentation.

After receiving the samples from us, Mr. Wang arranged for online experiments. On the third day, Mr. Wang called me, the experiment was particularly successful, our coil was better than any other company’s, and it had its own characteristics, so he immediately placed an order for 10,000 pieces and asked us to deliver in batches. There will be an additional order of 200,000 pieces later.

Why did Mr. Wang eventually choose us?

  1. Fuying Electronics has a professional R&D team that is unmatched by few others.
  2. Fuying Electronics uses only Jitai fully automatic winding machines, with 90% of the production line automated. One automated production line can produce more than a traditional factory with nearly a hundred people, saving on labor costs.
  3. Fuying Electronics implements closed management in the production workshop to ensure dust-free precision of the coil.
  4. Fuying Electronics uses the Toyota lean production model, where the materials input in the day can produce finished products on the same day, which not only reduces storage costs but also allows for quick production adjustments according to orders, ensuring customer needs are met.
  5. Chengpin technology co,.ltd


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